Hi, I'm Chris

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Installing a Canon iR 2270 printer on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

This guide focuses on the Canon iR 2270, but it should work with many other Canon enterprise devices (names for driver and configuration files may differ).

Go to software.canon-europe.com and download the driver for your device and system (linux x64 in my case). For the iR2270 you need at least cndrvcups-common_2.80-1_amd64.deb and cndrvcups-ufr2-uk_2.80-1_amd64.deb (version numbers may differ).

We also need the “CQue 2.0.10 Linux Driver DEB 64-bit” which is available at software.canon-europe.com/software/0045507.asp.

This package depends on libxp6 which is (at time of writing) not available on Xerus. Hence we download and install an older version of this package. The trusty version should work fine.

sudo -s
dpkg -i libxp6_1.0.2-1ubuntu1_amd64
dpgk -i o1512hde_linux_CQueDEB_v2010_64.deb #CQue

Go to /opt/cel/ppd and extract the file cel-ir2270-pcl-de.ppd.gz. Edit that file (/opt/cel/ppd/cel-ir2270-pcl-de.ppd) and adjust the following entries (i.e., add your credentials):

*DefaultUserID: None
*DefaultUserPassword: None

Now its time to add the printer via System Settings / Printers (Add button in upper left corner). After adding the printer, printing should work fine. However, sometimes it doesn’t work. Check for error messages in /var/log/cups/error_log. If you see some entry like the following one

D [29/Apr/2016:14:30:49 +0200] [Job 5] /bin/sh: 1: sicgsfilter: not found

you need to create the following link:

ln -s /opt/cel/bin/sicgsfilter /bin/sicgsfilter

If printing still doesn’t work: good luck fixing that..

//update 19.01.2017

Unfortunately, the link to CQue Linux Driver is dead. You may download it here.